Saturday, March 1, 2008

Miami Nights..

Meet Will (right). He is the husband of Jamie, and owner of this sweet little yacht - America One - who gave us a grand evening on Biscayne Bay last night. (55ft little;-)

Thank you Will! It was lovely.

This is Jamie, Will's gorgeous wife. She is a long time colleague and friend and is leaving to open her own business.

If you're ever in the Miami area and need a wax, check her out:

On our way....

This is Ervin (left)
.. and a treat for the Tuscan;-)

Course, I wasn't the only photographer there..

I rather fancy this spot..

So nice to leave work for this..

Didn't see any Manatees..


The best shot of the night..

and a few more, just because..

A truly lovely evening..
Thank you Jamie and Will!


Theo Spark said...
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Theo Spark said...

So which wax did you get LJ?

Tuscan Tony said...
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Jane Llewellyn said...

Theo.. she hasn't actually got her FL license yet, which is why I haven't yet indulged. But when I do, I would say...


TT: Don't hurt yourself love! They're only boobies after all!!

You're most welcome;-)

Jane Llewellyn said...

Okay TT.. I amended it just for you;-)

Tuscan Tony said...

Ouch! Having fallen back out of my chair and brained myself on the terracotta upon reaching pic 4, I recover myself and adjust the office furniture, then read to my eternal joy you've dedicated the pic to me. Fanks!

n.b. I also notice Ervin appreciates boobies too.


Tuscan Tony said...

Thansk to pic 4, the Tuscan is destined to spent the night stuck in the office - an overturned turtle, helpless.

Jane Llewellyn said...

Ah.. maybe I will add another.. to help you get back up;-)

Tuscan Tony said...

Thanks for the though of the fresh pics - but no good, now completely trapped under the desk, Clouseau-like, carapace down.

Word verify says it all: gimvufct

Serr8d said...

There's nothing at all better than an evening on a nice watercraft, even if it is salt water...

I'm so looking forward to spring.

The water calls...


Jane Llewellyn said...

Serr8d.. Your pix are fantastic! Thanks for sharing.. I must say, a boat is a new dream.. any size will do!

Theo Spark said...

You missed out the best pic. You know the one.

The Hitch said...

Ai Yah!

I have been looking for a good waxing, shame she is so far away, I will have to conetent myself with my normal grooming regime.
I remove the hair on my shoulders , with a combination of duct tape and pliers, really tough ones I burn off with a camping stove.
LJ, less sunsets , more boobies!

Electro-Kevin said...

Bloody hell, LJ !

You really do mix with the beautiful set don'tchya !

Which one are you ?

Jane Llewellyn said...

Theo.. Gianinna will be so pleased to hear you say that and that you posted it on your blog! I have sent her the link;-)

*shakes head, they're just boobs!*

Hitch.. you must be made of stone! Even getting my brows waxed makes me cry.. a little;-)

Jane Llewellyn said...

Wouldn't you like to know E-K;-)

Yes, they are all rather beautiful aren't they - and lovely to boot!

-eve- said...

Such nice pictures....! I keep wondering which one is you...:-)

Jane Llewellyn said...

Hi Killem, you have good taste - I have seen the proof.

Hi Eve, I have an aversion to having my photo taken, and am rarely photographed in the wild (well, sometimes.. but usually involves a hidden camera in a tree or something equally devious;-)

Daisy said...

it is raining ice here at the moment...loved the pics though...they were lovely...thank you for sharing...

Jane Llewellyn said...

Ooh, not fun.. I feel for you Dais;-(

On the other hand, we went from 50 degrees to almost 90 overnight!! Horrid weather! (well, the 50 degrees was nice while it lasted;-)

Stefan said...

Long time visitor to Theo's site and ended up wandering over here. All I can say is that I agree with the fellas about pic number 4!