Sunday, April 6, 2008


It's started to storm here on S. Beach..

.. and I just let the cats out.

Update (7:37 a.m.) : Now it's lovely.. though really, I prefer the rain.

Oh, and 45G, in case you were wondering, the cats are A-OK;-)


Jane Llewellyn said...

Hi Killem.. what I wouldn't give for a bit of snow!
(Not the sleet though).

The rain has eased up now, and its a beautiful morning.
I may just post a follow up pix.

Re: Nation's transport system.. From what I recall, it didn't take much to foul it up;-)

Jane Llewellyn said...

BTW, your new avatar is much improved!
Where was the pix taken?

Minicapt said...

Raining ... cats ... uh oh ...


Tuscan Tony said...

Great pics - Miami as I imagine it! The architecture looks to be well-thought out, too.